The NHS Oncology Conference 2022 Manchester

Clinical Diagnostics and Medical Sciences

08:00 am
21 Jun, 2022
etc venues Manchester, 11 Portland Street M1 3HU

The NHS Oncology Conference 2022 Manchester

Clinical Diagnostics and Medical Sciences

08:00 am
21 Jun, 2022
etc venues Manchester, 11 Portland Street M1 3HU

The NHS Oncology Conference 2022 Manchester

2021 was a year of challenges for the NHS, particularly the Oncology departments. We were proud to support them virtually across 2021 and are now excited to announce The NHS Oncology Conference 2022 Manchester will be in person!

Join us at The NHS Oncology Conference 2022 Manchester as we explore these new areas of best practice, network with peers and share insights across a short but high-value conference.

Research sources for The NHS Oncology Conference 2022 Manchester: NHS England and improvement, Cancer Research UK

At Convenzis we pride ourselves on our ability to develop, manage, and host both virtual and physical events for the public and commercial sectors.

Our physical events offer a unique opportunity to meet with key sector stakeholders in an informal and relaxed atmosphere, this provides an ideal chance to discuss strategic change and learn from some of the most well-respected public sector professionals in the country, all while soaking up the lovely atmosphere our venues and audience provide.

The NHS Oncology Conference 2021: Innovating Through Backlogs Overview:

98.51% of Delegates would recommend Convenzis to their Colleagues.

98.53% of Delegates rated our speakers as either Good or Excellent.

69% of Attendees were at Senior Management Level or above.

96.97% of Delegates are interested in attending the next event.

30% of Delegates would like to receive more information from all Sponsors.

Key Subjects

At the conference, we will be discussing the “NHS Long Term Plan for Oncology Care”, which sets out the following aims:

  • By 2028, an extra 55,000 people each year will survive for five years or more following their cancer diagnosis.
  • Introduce new forms of cervical cancer screening
  • Introduce a new, faster diagnosis standard, ensuring patients receive a definitive diagnosis.
  • Personalised care packages, empower patients to have more say over the care they receive.

Other topics to be discussed across the day include:

  • The importance of refining the use of patient-reported outcome (PRO) data.
  • 2022’s plan for working through backlogs, with multiple sources suggesting that it could take until 2033 to clear the backlog of cancer care due to cancer screening and treatment delays.
  • Using tech and AI to manage better and control patients’ symptoms.
  • Streamlining Oncology Patient Pathways

Who will Attend

Advanced Registered Practice Nurse
Case Managers
Chief Technology Officers
Clinical Nurse Specialists
Directors/Heads of Oncology
Clinical Directors/Heads/Leads
Medical Directors/Heads
Medical Imaging Directors/Heads/Managers
Pain Specialists
Palliative Care Specialists
Paediatric Oncologists
Surgical Oncologists

Sponsors & Partners

The programme


Registration, Networking & Breakfast

Registration, Networking & Breakfast


Chairs Opening Address

Chairs Opening Address - 



Aspirant Cancer Career and Education Development programme – focusing on the Cancer Support Workforce - workstream (Confirmed)

John Gale
Programme Manager for the Cancer Support Workforce (ACCEnD)
Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance

Brief overview of the ACCEND programme and why it is so important to develop an end to end education development programme for nursing and allied health professionals. (7 mins)

Focus on workstream – For Cancer Support Workforce (13 minutes)

  • Nationally agreed career and education pathway
  • Education, training, and support for CSW’s matched to ACCEnD capability framework
  • Standardisation of the role and requirements of the CSW


Personalised Care and Support for People Living with Cancer (Confirmed)

Denis Colligan
Macmillan Clinical Advisor, Northwest
Everyone’s experience of cancer is unique which is why it is important that people receive care that is tailored to their needs at all points in their cancer journey. Delivering personalised care is the responsibility of everyone involved in supporting a person with cancer, irrespective of care setting and good communication is key to this.


Raising the profile of specialist nursing (Confirmed)

Karen Clayton
Macmillan Lung Cancer Lead Nurse Specialist
East Cheshire NHS Trust
Raising the profile of specialist nursing This session aims to raise awareness of specialist nursing roles. Exploring how we can get more nurses into these positions and use these roles as an attractive career opportunity as well as a retention initiative.


Photobiomodulation for Oral Mucositis, results from 47 RCTs, effect size, case reports and treatment demonstration

James Carroll
THOR Photomedicine Ltd

Oral Mucositis is the most common and most significant side-effect of systemic chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The incidence is high (40-75%) and often leads to parenteral feeding and opioids, extended periods of hospitalisation, and a higher risk of systemic infection.

Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a low-intensity light therapy treatment recommended by the Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) and by The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines in the UK for preventing or treating oral mucositis.

Data from more than 50 randomised controlled clinical trials and our studies show that PBM can reduce the incidence of grade 3 or 4 Oral Mucositis by 75%. PBM utilises light in the red and near-infrared spectrum, which is absorbed by enzymes in mitochondria to increase cellular energy (ATP) production and simultaneously reduce oxidative stress (free radicals).

The downstream effects act on gene transcription factor NF-κβ to reduce inflammatory cytokines and increase keratinocyte proliferation and migration leading to tissue repair. Treatment can be applied extra-orally and intraorally, ideally, five times a week before each fraction or RT or each infusion of CT (Monday-Friday); treatment times can be as short as five minutes per session.

The benefits are improved quality of life and reduced total cost of care through reduced parenteral feeding, reduced use of opioids, and reduced rescheduling of cancer treatments. No adverse events have been reported, including no negative effects on survival or cancer reoccurrence.


Q&A Panel

Q&A Panel


Morning Break, Networking & Refreshments

Morning Break, Networking & Refreshments


Chairs Morning Reflections

Chairs Morning Reflections


Implementing BD Cato™ to transform the Aseptic Services Unit

James Martin
Lead Pharmacist – Oncology & QA Services
The London Clinic

Case Study - BD UK

Implementing BD Cato™ to transform the Aseptic Services Unit 

James Martin from The London Clinic will share their experiences of how prior to implementation the preparation within the Aseptic Services Unit was time consuming, manual and labour-intensive. Wanting to reduce manual transcription of prescriptions and improve medication safety, they chose BD Cato™ to simplify the processes and integrate into one system to improve workflow efficiencies and patient safety. This was also the first BD Cato™ interface with the MOSAIQ™ e-prescribing system. Post implementation the unit saw a reduction in turnaround time by 21%, reallocation of 20% headcount to other value-added activities, reduction in 95% of errors and patient chair time has been reduced by 20-30 minutes. 


Clinical utility of WGS for children with cancer (Confirmed)

Sam Behjati
Group Leader
Wellcome Sanger Institute
Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is now routinely available to every child in England diagnosed with cancer. Here, I present our experience of utilising WGS in children with cancer in terms of improving patient management.


"French experience with PBI using a 50 KV photon beam device" Agnès Tallet, Head of Radiation Oncology Department at Institut Paoli-Calmettes (Confirmed)

Case Study - Zeiss

"French experience with PBI using a 50 KV photon beam device"

Background. This French study reports the 5-year results of partial-breast irradiation using intraoperative-radiation-therapy (IORT) with 50 kV X-rays, in select early-breast cancer patients.
Methods. We report a retrospective analysis of 676 consecutive early-breast cancer patients treated between November 2011 and December 2015 by partial-breast irradiation using the Intrabeam system. Patients were highly selected based on the ASTRO and GEC-ESTRO criteria and underwent breast-conservative surgery and IORT, completed with additional whole-breast irradiation (WBI) when unexpected unfavorable prognostic factors were found at the final pathology report. Patients’ outcomes relative to local and distant control, overall and breast-cancer specific survival and toxicity are presented, as well as rates of additional WBI.
Results. Additional WBI was mandatory in one-third of patients (31%), mainly due to lymph nodes involvement and extensive intraductal component. With a median follow-up time of 54 months, the 5-year local recurrence rate was 1.7% [95%CI: 0.9-3.3]; the median-time to local recurrence was 23 months; ipsilateral-breast recurrences mainly occurred in the same quadrant (7/11); in the restricted population, meeting all predefined criteria and treated with IORT-alone (406 patients), the local recurrence rate was 1.5% [95%CI: 0.6-3.6]. Five-year distant tumor control was 98.6% [95%CI: 97.2-99.3], the median-time to distant recurrence was 22 months. Five-year overall survival was 96.5% [95%CI: 94.2-97.8], 5-year breast-cancer specific survival was 98.9% [95%CI: 97.6-99.7]. In patients treated with IORT-alone, there was no grade 3 toxicity, only four grade 3 (mainly fibrosis) affected patients treated with IORT and WBI. Grade 1-2 toxicity rates were 14% and 34.4% in patients treated with IORT-alone and IORT plus WBI, respectively.
Conclusion.  Partial-breast irradiation using IORT by a 50-kV photons device is safe and well-tolerated in select patients with early-breast cancer and is a valuable option in patients reluctant for adjuvant WBI.


Pascoe Healthcare (Confirmed)

Hüseyin Sahinbas, MD
Hüseyin Sahinbas, MD (Confirmed) Specialist of Radiology, Specialist of Radiotherapy and Radiation-Oncology, Palliative medicine Hyperthermia, Complementary Medicine


Q&A Panel

Q&A Panel


Networking and Lunch

Networking and Lunch


Chairs Afternoon Address

Chairs Afternoon Address


Tele Prehabilitation in Cancer – Innovation in Supported Self Management

Professor Tara Rampal
Director Kent and Medway Prehab Consultant Anaesthetist
Princess Royal University Hospital

Principles and evidence base of Prehabilitation followed by case study of successful digital delivery of multimodal interventions across a wide geographical area. 


Challenges of Cancer Systemic Therapy in a Fragmented System (Confirmed)

Professor Andrew Wardley
CEO & Medical Director
Outreach Research & Innovation Group Ltd

Synopisis TBC


End of the Day

End of the day

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County