9th NHS Radiology Summit: Addressing the NHS Radiology Crisis

Diagnostics & Sciences

09:00 am
15 May, 2024
etc venues Manchester

9th NHS Radiology Summit: Addressing the NHS Radiology Crisis

Diagnostics & Sciences

09:00 am
15 May, 2024
etc venues Manchester

Job titles includes

Consultant - Clinical Oncology

Consultant Interventional radiologist

Consultant Radiologist

Principal Superintendent Radiographer


Radiology System Manager

Radiology systems lead.

Scientific Director of Medical Physics

Senior Radiographer

Delegates Registered

Organisations Involved

West Suffolk Hospital

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals

Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Trust

Northampton University Hospital NHS Trust

Greater Manchester ICB

Current Landscape and Challenges:

This conference provides a focused exploration of  the current complexities within NHS imaging service delivery.

Key discussion points will include: where should the funding go? and navigating workforce challenges within NHS imaging services. We will delve into strategies for mitigating the impact of strikes and examine the optimal allocation of funding to enhance imaging services. Additionally, the event will spotlight the role of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) in collaborating with imaging teams, fostering a cohesive approach to healthcare delivery.

This comprehensive analysis aims to foster solutions that enhance efficiency and collaboration among healthcare providers, overcoming current obstacles in the field.

Timeliness and importance:

Attending this event is both timely and crucial due to its concentrated focus on the intricacies of NHS imaging service delivery.

Key discussion points revolve around pressing issues such as funding allocation and tackling workforce challenges within NHS imaging services. These discussions are vital to ensure the effective operation of healthcare services.

The event will provide insights into strategies for addressing potential strikes and optimising the allocation of funding to improve imaging services. This knowledge can have a significant impact on the quality and accessibility of healthcare.

Furthermore, the spotlight on the role of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) in collaborating with imaging teams underscores the importance of cohesive healthcare delivery. This event offers a unique opportunity to explore how these collaborative efforts can enhance patient care.

Key Content Streams:

  • Technological Advancements:
    • Explore cutting-edge innovations in imaging for enhanced diagnostics.
  • Workforce Sustainability:
    • Strategies for attracting, training, and retaining skilled professionals.
    • Ensuring a sustainable workforce to meet future demands.
  • Financial Resilience:
    • Ideal funding models for radiology and imaging services.
    • Building partnerships to secure sustainable financial support.
  • Population Health:
    • Radiology's role in early disease detection and public health improvement.
    • Contributions to overall healthcare system outcomes.
  • Patient-Centered Care:
    • Innovations prioritizing patient comfort and accessibility.
    • Technologies like virtual reality and telemedicine for better patient experiences

Why Attend:

  • Stay ahead of the curve with the latest advancements and best practices in the field of medical imaging.
  • Peer-Level Networking: Forge connections with fellow senior radiologists and influential figures in healthcare, fostering opportunities for strategic collaborations.
  • Innovate the NHS: Engage in discussions that will shape the future of imaging services within the NHS, contributing to enhanced patient care.
  • Influence Policy and Practice: Leverage your expertise to influence policy decisions and implement practices that will positively impact patient outcomes.
  • Personal Advancement: Access valuable resources to further your professional development and excel in your role as a senior radiologist.

Headline Sponsor

Key Subjects

  • Technological Advancements
  • Workforce Sustainability
  • Financial Resilience
  • Population Health
  • Patient-Centered Care

Who will Attend

  • Chief Technology Officers
  • Consultant Radiographers
  • Consultant/Senior Surgeons
  • Clinical Directors/Heads/Managers/Leads
  • Commissioning Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Consultant Radiologists
  • Directors/Heads of Radiology
  • Engagement Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Governance Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Heads/Directors of Pathology
  • Heads/Senior Radiographers
  • Informatics Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Information Management Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Innovation Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Medical Imaging Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Radiology Services Manager
  • Procurement Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Service Directors/Heads/Managers


Sponsors & Partners

The programme



Registration - Open from 9:00 am - Closes at 11:00 am

All delegates must complete their registration process before the 11:00 AM cut-off time. Please arrive in a timely manner to allow for registration and to avoid any inconvenience. Delegates who arrive after the registration deadline will be refused entry to the event.

We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain the event's schedule and ensuring that everyone can fully participate in the Imaging Conference. If you have any questions or require assistance, our event staff will be available to assist you with the registration process.

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to an insightful and productive event together!


Chairs Opening Address (Confirmed)

Mr Chris Sleight MSc BSc FIBMS
Chief Officer
Greater Manchester Diagnostics Network

Chairs Opening Address (Confirmed)


Keynote Presentation - Radiology Policy Trends with Sheila Black (Confirmed)

Sheila Black
Head of Imaging Transformation

Join us for a session with Sheila Black, Deputy Director for Imaging at NHS England, as she discusses the latest policy trends and insights shaping radiology. Gain a clear understanding of how these policies are impacting the field, and prepare for the future of radiology practice within the NHS and beyond.


Advancing Radiology Services: Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Addressing the NHS Workforce Crisis

Sheila Black
Head of Imaging Transformation
Mrs Elaine Quick
GIRFT Radiology Advisor
Dr Tracy O’Regan
Professional officer clinical imaging and research
The Society & College of Radiographers
Mrs Gill Holroyd
Clinical Professional Lead for Imaging
North-west Imaging Academy at Edge Hill University Medical School


The NHS is confronting a critical workforce crisis within its Radiology and Imaging services, presenting formidable obstacles to patient care and healthcare delivery. This panel discussion will assemble experts from diverse fields, including radiology, healthcare management, policy, and education, to scrutinise the root causes of the crisis and devise innovative strategies for its mitigation.

From the challenges of understaffing and retention to the opportunities presented by technological advancements and the imperatives of filling training gaps, the panel will conduct a comprehensive examination of the multifaceted dimensions of the problem.

By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, the discussion will aim to generate actionable solutions geared towards ensuring the sustainability and efficiency of NHS Radiology and Imaging services. Join us as we chart a course towards enhanced patient care and strengthened healthcare provision through collective expertise and collaboration across disciplines.


  • Sheila Black, Deputy head of Imaging Transformation, NHS England (Confirmed)
  • Elaine Quick, GIRFT Radiology Advisor at Getting It Right First Time (Confirmed)
  • Dr Tracy O'Regan, Professional officer clinical imaging and research, The Society & College of Radiographers (Confirmed)
  • Mrs Gill Holroyd, Clinical Professional Lead for Imaging, North-west Imaging Academy at Edge Hill University Medical School (Confirmed)


Main Sponsor - Building collaborative capacity through strategic stakeholder service redesign (Confirmed)

Grant Roberts
Chief Executive Officer
Managed Healthcare Services Ltd.

Main Sponsor - Managed Healthcare Services

The NHS is working very hard to meet capacity demand with finite resources at its disposal. Independent sector providers of clinical capacity to the NHS and strategic stakeholders across the healthcare sector have a responsibility to provide best value healthcare services to patients at point of care. Innovation in service design and delivery will be a key driver to supporting a rapidly changing NHS.


Morning Break

Morning Break


Chairs Morning Reflection (Confirmed)

Mr Chris Sleight MSc BSc FIBMS
Chief Officer
Greater Manchester Diagnostics Network

Chairs Morning Reflection (Confirmed)


Case Study - Data Platform and AI solutions for Medical Imaging - How to manage the costs of increased data storage requirements and maximise the benefits of AI

Dave Hanson
Public Sector Senior Account Director

Case Study - Exponential-e

Data Platform and AI solutions for Medical Imaging - How to manage the costs of increased data storage requirements and maximise the benefits of AI

The digitalisation of medical images is opening up a range of opportunities for faster diagnosis, better cross-site collaboration, and – ultimately – a preventative approach to healthcare that maximises the number of lives saved. However, this all requires the right digital foundation, particularly when it comes to the rising storage costs of complex healthcare data, and the complexities of leading-edge AI, big data, and machine learning projects.


Keynote Presentation - Fireside interview based on the growing importance if imaging services in primary settings (Confirmed)

Dr Laurence Ginder
Consultant Musculoskeletal Radiologist and Associate Medical Director
Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals

A Fireside Chat with Dr Laurence Ginder: Shaping Strategy and Enhancing Patient Outcomes in NHS Imaging and Primary Care

Benefits of primary care pathways in imaging, gold standard pathways, how to support community colleagues with complex imaging.


Keynote Presentation - The Sustainable Workforce of the Future – Do Generations Z and Alpha have the solution? (Confirmed)

Mr Chris Sleight MSc BSc FIBMS
Chief Officer
Greater Manchester Diagnostics Network

The world’s population is increasing at a dramatic rate. Since the turn of the millennium, the world population has increased by 33%. This growth is set to continue for the next 80 years. Moreso, the growth is in the over 65 years population with little change predicted to birth rates. By 2100 the life expectancy in the UK is predicted to increase to over 90 years of age. 

The healthcare needs of the UK population are already increasing with an increasing percentage of over sixty-fives, whilst the percentage of the population at an employable age is reducing.

Chris will look at the attitudes of Generation Z and Generation Alpha and ask what we need to be aware of and what we need to do now to ensure we can create a workforce for the future with the skills, incentives, capacity, and capability of sustaining and providing high-quality services to an increasing population.


Networking & Lunch

Networking & Lunch


Chairs Afternoon Address (Confirmed)

Mr Chris Sleight MSc BSc FIBMS
Chief Officer
Greater Manchester Diagnostics Network

Chairs Afternoon Address (Confirmed)


Radiology Networking in the North: Best Practices and Challenges on the Path to Maturity

Dr David White
Clinical Lead
Cheshire & Merseyside Radiology Imaging Network (CAMRIN)
Catherine Walsh
NW Regional Radiographer, Associate Director GM Imaging Network
GM Network and NHSE


  • Catherine Walsh, Associate Director GM Imaging Network, NW Regional Radiographer (Confirmed)
  • Dr David White, Clinical Lead, Cheshire & Merseyside Radiology Imaging Network (CAMRIN) (Confirmed)


This session aims to convene the foremost radiology networks from across the North of England for an insightful discussion on the journey towards maturity in radiology practices.

As radiology services continue to evolve, collaboration and sharing of best practices become paramount. Drawing upon the expertise of leading professionals and networks in the region, this panel will explore the challenges, successes, and lessons learned in advancing radiology services towards maturity.

From harnessing innovative technologies to improving workflow efficiencies and addressing workforce shortages, participants will exchange valuable insights and strategies aimed at enhancing patient care and service delivery. Join us as we navigate the path to maturity in radiology networking, forging stronger connections and laying the groundwork for a more integrated and resilient healthcare system in the North of England.


Cross Sector Learning (Confirmed)

Jason Greasley
Leadership Consultant & Head of Coaching and Leadership Transformation
Six400 Consultancy / Buckinghamshire Health & Social Care Academy

Trust is the foundation for any relationship both at home and work, absence of trust across teams and in systems is the most severe dysfunction a team can have. Doing more with less means we MUST work better across systems and build the foundations for the future. If we do not trust each other, will we share knowledge, will we learn from each other? What’s within your control to change this?


Canapés, Drinks and Networking

Canapés, Drinks and Networking


End of day

End of day


Your Pass Includes....

Pass Includes:

  • Multiple live keynote presentations
  • Live examples of both NHS and Commercial best practice
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Refreshments included
  • Meet the supplier sessions.
  • Networking opportunity
  • Live Q&A sessions with all speakers on the day
  • Drinks receptions (subject to event)
  • CPD accreditation
  • Prize draws

Tickets For NHS Senior Managers

We have an invite only option for NHS Senior Managers for our conference, to see if you qualify for a complimentary place please click the button below.

Register your place

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County